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Networks and AV Protocols



The Networks and AV Protocols course sheds light on the increasingly used world of audiovisual transmission and communication. IP communication is here and it is here to stay.

We study many digital protocol such as: Dante, Madi, AES, REAC, AVB are goes in depth in the configuration and communication between the different digital systems. It also reviews the testing tools and commands needed to configure, understand and troubleshoot all types of communication networks.

The student will be able to understand and configure any digital system based on any type of communication protocol.






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    SKU: N/A Category:

    DURATION: 3 days

    LEVEL: Intermediate

    TEACHER: Diogo Nunes


    PRICE: 300€


    Asturias, Barcelona, Bogotá, Madrid, Valencia, Vic (Teatre Atlàntida), Zaragoza


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